How are real-time measurement systems related to the EPA Contract Laboratory Program and to the Superfund analytical method classification system?

The EPA Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) refers to a program developed by EPA to support analytical contracting for the Superfund program. The types of real-time measurement systems employed by the Triad can include methods identical to those standard techniques commonly accessed through the CLP, particularly if appropriately equipped field laboratories are employed.

As part of the Superfund program, an analytical method classification system has been used in the past that categorizes data sources by their "quality". Real-time measurement systems can include analytical techniques that span the range of this classification system. Under the Triad, "quality" has a different meaning than used by this classification system. For the Triad, data quality refers primarily to its ability to support decisions that need to be made, rather than simply the level of analytical uncertainty associated with a particular measurement technique. The distinction is important, because the Superfund classification system can be misleading when evaluating the potential value of a particular analytical or measurement technique as an input to a particular decision.