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Disclaimer, Privacy, and Security Notice

  1. This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation of the Environmental Protection Agency. It is operated under contract by Environmental Management Support, Inc.

  2. Information presented on this WWW site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available from this server may be protected under U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. When individual documents on this server have different copyright conditions, it will be noted in those documents.

  3. Links to websites outside the U.S. EPA website and non-EPA documents are for the convenience of the user. The Standards of Ethical Conduct do not permit the U.S. EPA to endorse any private sector website, product, or service. The U.S. EPA does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find on these websites and within these documents. These links are being provided consistent with the intended purpose of this website.

  4. When you come to this website to browse, you do so anonymously. By default, EPA does not collect personally identifying information about you. We collect only summary information [see below] about the numbers of individuals who visit our website and what those individuals look at. This computer system uses industry-standard software to create summary statistics, which are used for assessing what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas.

  5. Where identifying information is asked of you (such as to respond to an information request) that information is provided voluntarily by you. It is used only for the stated purpose and is not made available for other purposes. By providing this information voluntarily, you are consenting to its collection for the stated purpose. See our notice of use and for more details.

  6. Unauthorized access to or unauthorized use of this website is subject to criminal, civil, administrative, or other lawful action. For site security and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, the U.S. Government may for any lawful government purpose, without notice, monitor, intercept, search, and seize any authorized or unauthorized communication to or from this website or information used or stored on this website at any time. Any communications or information used, transmitted, or stored on this website may be used or disclosed for any lawful government purpose, including but not limited to, administrative purposes, penetration testing, communication security monitoring, personnel misconduct measures, law enforcement, and counterintelligence inquiries.

  7. No additional attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits.

  8. For more information about the U.S. EPA privacy program and current contact information for the U.S. EPA Senior Agency Official for Privacy (SAOP), please refer to EPA's Implementation of the Privacy Act.

  9. If you have any questions or comments about the information presented here, or would like to view all personally identifiable information that is in your name and currently stored in support of this website for review and possible correction, please contact us through contact us. You may also contact the EPA Privacy Hotline at 202-566-1668 or

Example of Information Collected for Statistical Purposes

Below is an example of the information collected based on a standard request for a World Wide Web document:

2005-11-03 12:57:35 - W3SVC18 80 GET /contact/index.cfm - 200 52428 1063 HTTP/1.1 
2005-11-03 12:57:35
The date and time of the request.
The IP address associated with the requestor (you as the visitor). Depending on the requestor's method of network connection, the IP address (or host name) may or may not identify a specific computer. Connections via many Internet Service Providers assign different IP addresses for each session, so the host name identifies only the ISP. The IP address will identify a specific computer if that computer has a fixed IP address.
The site name designated internally by the server for logging purposes. It informs the server that this particular request came through a website located on this server.
GET /contact/index.cfm
The location of the requested file.
The status code. 200 means the request was filled.
The size of the requested file in bytes.
The time required to complete the request in milliseconds.
The protocol used to complete the request.
Identifies the type of browser software used to access the page, which indicates what design parameters to use in constructing the pages.
Identifies the operating system used to access the page, which indicates what design parameters to use in constructing the pages.
Identifies the page which the user came from before visiting this page.

Requests for other types of documents use similar information. No other user-identifying information is collected.

Notice of Use

The Privacy Act of 1974 protects the personal information the federal government keeps on you in “systems of records (SOR)” (information an agency controls that can be retrieved by name or some other personal identifier). The Privacy Act regulates how the government can disclose, share, provide access to, and maintain the personal information that it collects. Not all information collected online is covered by the Privacy Act.

The Act’s major provisions require agencies to:

  • publish a Privacy Act Notice in the Federal Register explaining the existence, character and uses of a new or revised SOR;
  • keep information about you accurate, relevant, timely, and complete to assure fairness in dealing with you; and
  • allow you to, upon request, access and review your information held in a SOR and request amendment of the information if you disagree with it.

Your viewing of this website does not result in the collection of any personal information that is contained in a Privacy Act System of Records as defined by the Privacy Act.

Any information collected by any form located on this website is used only for its stated purpose and is not made available for other purposes.

You are only required to provide any personally identifying information (such as your name, e-mail address, or mailing address) to allow us to respond to your submission.

We collect personally identifiable information only if specifically and knowingly provided by you:

  • Personally identifying information which you provide will only be used in connection with responding to your submission.
  • Information is collected for statistical purposes. The purpose of this use is to measure customer interest in various areas of the site. This information is not expressed in any form which would reveal personally identifying information.
  • No personal information collected is sold or otherwise transferred to a third party.
  • Session cookies are enabled on this site (a "cookie" is a small file placed on your hard drive by a website that allows it to enhance your use of the site over time). Cookies are not used on this site to store personally identifying information. You may still view the site if your browser is configured to disable or disallow cookies. These cookies are automatically deleted at the end of your session.

Triad Resource Center