The Triad project profiles contain information about completed and ongoing applications of the Triad at contaminated sites.
Triad project profiles describe sites that use the elements of the Triad: systematic planning, real-time monitoring and measurement technologies, and dynamic work strategies. While the focus of the profiles is on sites that demonstrated all three components of the Triad, some of these sites exhibited only one or two aspects but are still useful examples. The Triad project profiles provide a summary of relevant site information, contaminants and media, project goals and outcomes, cost and time-savings, detailed information on the Triad work performed at the site, as well as points of contact and electronic references.
The Triad Project Profiles were developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Land and Emergency Management, Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation, Washington, D.C.
The profiles contain a summary of available information including:
Each profile has a varying level of detail, depending on the data and information available for the specific application. To prepare the profiles, EPA obtained data from technology providers, as well as published reports, conference proceedings, technical literature, and other available reference materials.
For help with searching the project profiles, see the Help page.
EPA is preparing more profiles and links for detailed information on in the Triad, as well as actively seeking additional profiles on sites following this approach.
For more information about the project profiles, to submit questions/comments, to suggest a new profile, or to update an existing profile, e-mail Cheryl T. Johnson of EPA's Technology Innovation Program at or call (703) 603-9045.