
Systematic Program and Project Planning

The systematic planning element of the Triad approach is useful to plan and achieve programmatic and project-specific goals.

Comprehensive, up-front planning is essential to effectively complete any environmental project. Proper planning will ensure that any data collected will lead to defensible decisions. Systematic planning is expected for projects led by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) whether the Triad is embraced or not (EPA 2005a). Among other things, systematic planning involves the identification of end goals for a project and charting the most resource-effective course to reach those outcomes.

Systematic planning is conducted by project partners consisting of technical subject matter experts (SME) and stakeholders invested in the desired outcome of the project. The systematic planning element of the Triad approach can be useful to plan and achieve both programmatic and project-specific goals.

Programmatic Systematic Planning
Programmatic systematic planning aspects are particularly relevant for regional or corridor-oriented undertakings.

Systematic Project Planning
Systematic project planning addresses site-specific subtleties and idiosyncrasies.