Readiness reviews are a particularly effective way to ensure Triad projects are not hobbled by logistical issues.
Readiness reviews perform an important function for Triad-based field activities. They ensure that technologies that will be fielded and supporting infrastructure will perform as expected during the course of field activities. They also provide the opportunity to fine tune work plans and standard operating procedures so that work proceeds as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Readiness reviews can be applied to individual technologies (e.g., testing the XRF data collection process on in situ soils), or to systems (e.g., pushing dummy data sets through the information flow process with associated handling, QA/QC, analysis, and decision-making steps). Readiness reviews can range from being as simple as paper-based or desktop exercises to a pilot testing of technologies at a site prior to full-scale deployment. Readiness reviews can also be combined with demonstrations of method applicability and/or technology evaluation work to meet more than one project objective.