Triad is a Federal/State Interagency Partnership
Additional Reading
Documents useful for developing dynamic work strategies.
Decision Logic/Decision Strategy Diagrams
High Resolution Site Characterization at DNAPL Sites
This PowerPoint presentation discusses DNAPL behavior and the tools that can be used to characterize it using a dynamic work strategy.
PowerPoint Presentation
Data Management & Visualization
Tools and approaches for data management and visualization.
F/S Plus EPA Region 5, F/S Plus is a stand-alone application developed in conjunction with the SADA software developers. F/S Plus can display point data, gridded data (interpolated values), and DXFs. Some of the visualization functions include: zoom, rotation, transparency, point size manipulation, scaling, and slicing. In addition, it has a 2D/3D IDW and kriging interpolation modules that create gridded values that can be displayed with or without the original point data.
F/S Plus Information and Download
FIELDS Rapid Assessment Tools EPA Region 5, Rapid Assessment Tools, or R.A.T., is a standalone windows application that combines global positioning information from a GPS device with single point or continuous field sample data. R.A.T. stores the sample data with its GPS location in a flat file and plots these results in a dynamic, two-dimensional display in real-time. In the software, data can be viewed with aerial photography, polygon boundaries, and sample designs to allow for immediate data availability, analysis, and use in the field. The collected data can also be exported using standard U.S. EPA data formats such as SCRIBE and ESRI Shapefile.
FIELDS Rapid Assessment Tools Information and Download
FIELDS Tools for ArcGIS© EPA Region 5, The FIELDS Team has developed a set of tools that integrate the power of geographic information systems (GIS), imaging software, global positioning system (GPS), and in-field sampling and analysis technology. The FIELDS tools are a collection of ArcView extensions and a stand-alone 2D/3D software (F/S Plus) that utilize published methodology for each step in the characterization process. The FIELDS software forms the foundation for a system that provides data analysis and interpretation for environmental decision-making. The results allow project managers to evaluate the extent of contamination and hot spot sizes, estimate health risks, prioritize site goals, and weigh potential actions. Users include U.S. EPA Regions, NOAA's coastal restoration scientists, State and Tribal agencies, as well as the private and academic community.
FIELDS Tools for ArcGIS©Information and Download
Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) University of Tennessee, Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) is a free software package from the University of Tennessee that integrates modules for visualizing contaminant concentrations, geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, human health risk assessment, cost/benefit analysis, sampling design, and decision analysis. SADA can be used to address site-specific concerns when characterizing a contaminated site, assessing risk, determining the location of future samples, and when designing remedial action.
Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance Website
Dynamic Sampling Programs
Dynamic sampling program strategies and techniques.
A Guideline for Dynamic Workplans and Field Analytics: The Keys to Cost-Effective Site Characterization and Cleanup, sponsored by President Clinton's Environmental Technology Initiative, through the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Robbat, A.; Tufts University and USEPA, The document was prepared by the Tufts Center for Field Analytical Studies and Technologies to help federal and state regulators, site owners and their consulting engineers, and remediation companies understand what is involved in constructing and carrying out a dynamic workplan using field analytical instrumentation in an adaptive sampling and analysis program for expediting the site investigation process.
A Guideline for Dynamic Workplans and Field Analytics: The Keys to Cost-Effective Site Characterization and Cleanup (654 KB)
EPA Superfund Program Encouraging Dynamic Work Strategies Website
USEPA, EPA is supporting the use of dynamic work strategies through release of a 2003 guidance designed to provide USEPA project managers with information allowing them to oversee dynamic field activities at their sites. The guidance document, accompanying fact sheet and transmittal memo are available on this website.
Guidance Documents
Focused Quality Control & QA Strategies
Focused QA concepts, strategies, and techniques.
Chemical Quality Assurance for Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Projects USACE, This USACE manual provides specific guidance, procedures, criteria, and tools for chemical implementation of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) HTRW Quality Assurance (QA) Program to ensure analytical data generated for all projects meet the criteria prescribed by the technical project planning (TPP) team.
Chemical Quality Assurance for Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Projects (381 KB)
Current Perspectives in Site Remediation and Monitoring: Applying the Concept of Effective Data to Environmental Analyses for Contaminated Sites USEPA EPA/542-R-01-013, This issue paper provides detail in support of the article "Managing uncertainty in environmental decisions" that was published in the October 1, 2001 issue of Environmental Science & Technology. It addresses topics related to data quality and how field analytical methods may significantly improve the quality of environmental data by permitting better management of sampling uncertainties.
Applying the Concept of Effective Data to Environmental Analyses for Contaminated Sites (239 KB)