Triad is a Federal/State Interagency Partnership
Additional Reading
Documents pertinent to real time measurement systems.
Case Study Documentation
This section contains templates that can be helpful in documenting Triad projects and capturing technical information & experience.
Chemical Analysis Tools
Methods and technologies for performing in situ and ex situ chemical analyses.
Current Perspectives in Site Remediation and Monitoring: Applying the Concept of Effective Data to Environmental Analyses for Contaminated Sites USEPA EPA/542-R-01-013, This issue paper provides detail in support of the article "Managing uncertainty in environmental decisions" that was published in the October 1, 2001 issue of Environmental Science & Technology. It addresses topics related to data quality and how field analytical methods may significantly improve the quality of environmental data by permitting better management of sampling uncertainties.
Applying the Concept of Effective Data to Environmental Analyses for Contaminated Sites (239 KB)
EPA's Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program, Site Characterization and Monitoring Technologies (SCMT) within the Advanced Monitoring Systems Center USEPA, The ETV program provides credible third party testing of environmental technologies under the auspices of EPA. The Advanced Monitoring Systems Center of ETV evaluates site characterization and monitoring technologies through simulated field demonstrations. A summary "verification statement" and a more detailed report is prepared to describe the performance of each technology.
Environmental Technology Verification Program Center Information Website
Environmental Response Team (ERT) Resources USEPA, The Environmental Response Team (ERT) offers an array of products to assist other environmental practitioners both in the field and in the office. They offer immediate download of items such as software packages, guidance related to a wide variety of environmental sampling procedures, analytical and quality assurance Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), fact sheets, and bulletins.
ERT Response Resources Website
Field Sampling and Selecting On-site Analytical Methods for Explosives in Water (Federal Facilities Forum Issue Paper) USEPA EPA/600/S-99/002, This issue paper provides guidance to project managers on field sampling and selecting on-site analytical methods for detecting and quantifying secondary explosive compounds in water.
Field Sampling and Selecting On-Site Analytical Methods for Explosives in Water (246 KB)
Measurement and Monitoring Technologies for the 21st Century (21M2) USEPA, This EPA initiative is deploying emerging measurement and monitoring technologies in response to waste management and site cleanup program needs. A variety of reports and technology summaries are available. Note the site stopped being maintained in 2010.
Measurement and Monitoring Technologies for the 21st Century (21M2) Website
The Business of Making a Lab Field-Portable. Environmental Testing & Analysis. Crume, Craig, This published article reviews the challenges, strategies, and successes of performing analyses in the field, which entails more than just operating the equipment.
The Business of Making a Lab Field-Portable (834 KB)
Data Management Options
Options for managing Triad-produced data sets during field activities.
Environmental Response Team (ERT) Resources USEPA, The Environmental Response Team (ERT) offers an array of products to assist other environmental practitioners both in the field and in the office. They offer immediate download of items such as software packages, guidance related to a wide variety of environmental sampling procedures, analytical and quality assurance Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), fact sheets, and bulletins.
ERT Response Resources Website
Fully Integrated Environmental Location Decision Support (FIELDS) USEPA, Fully Integrated Environmental Location Decision Support (FIELDS) software is a package under development through USEPA Region 5. FIELDS is a sophisticated mix of GIS, GPS, a database, statistical and geostatistical analysis algorithms, and imaging technologies. FIELDS System beta version software is currently available on CD-ROM. It is still being tested and debugged, so USEPA would like to limit its availability to Federal, State and tribal agencies only.
Region 5 FIELDS Team Website
GEO-EAS 1.2.1: Geostatistical Environmental Assessment Software User's Guide USEPA EPA/600/8-91/008, GEOEAS is a collection of interactive software tools for two-dimensional geostatistical analyses of spatially distributed data. The principal functions of the package are the production of grids and contour maps of interpolated (kriged) estimates from sample data. GEOEAS can produce data maps, univariate statistics, scatter plots/linear regression, and variogram computation and model fitting.
Ground Water and Ecosystems Restoration Research - GEOEAS Website
Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) University of Tennessee, Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) is a free software package from the University of Tennessee that integrates modules for visualizing contaminant concentrations, geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, human health risk assessment, cost/benefit analysis, sampling design, and decision analysis. SADA can be used to address site-specific concerns when characterizing a contaminated site, assessing risk, determining the location of future samples, and when designing remedial action.
Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance Website
Demonstrations of Methods Applicability
Ways to demonstrate the usability of alternative measurement technologies.
Comparing Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) To Laboratory Analysis Of Heavy Metals In Soil (Report) Shefsky, S., NITON Corporation, Quality assurance protocols for using XRF in the field usually require splits between field and fixed lab analysis. The comparability of XRF data with fixed lab data varies with site conditions, soil composition, and sample preparation. Poor correlation often arises from the introduction of error in the confirmatory sample splitting and sample handling procedures, and which may be misinterpreted as a deficiency of the field method.
Comparing Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) to Laboratory Analysis of Heavy Metals in Soil (104 KB)
CLU-IN Characterization
Go to technology information on EPA's CLU-IN website.
Characterization and Monitoring Technologies USEPA, This is an online encyclopedia of sampling and field analytic technologies used to characterize contaminated soil and groundwater.
Characterization and Monitoring Technologies
Isotope Analysis Tools
Methods and technologies for performing in situ and ex situ radiological and isotopic analyses.