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Multiagency support for Triad
Triad is a Federal/State Interagency Partnership

Reference Documents/Internet Resources

There are a wide range of documents, including papers, publications, guidance, reports, etc., that provide useful Triad-pertinent information.

Summary of the Triad Approach (38 KB)

Project Management

  • ASTM Expedited Site Characterization
  • Brownfields
  • Conceptual Site Model
  • Overview Best Management Practices
  • Project Planning: Guidance for Writing Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) for Environmental Data Collection

Sample Acquisition, Handling & Analysis

Documents related to sample acquisition and handling.

  • Analytical Technologies
  • Confirmation Sampling
  • Sample Integrity & Preservation
  • Sample Support & Compositing
  • Sampling Designs & Statistics
  • Sampling Technologies & QC
  • Subsample Support & Sample Preparation
  • Sampling Designs and Sampling QC for Soils and Sediments

    Includes guidance and information about statistical soil sampling designs, incremental-composite sampling designs, sample support, soil processing and subsampling, and Gy theory.

  • Sampling Technologies and Techniques for Water and the Subsurface

    Includes the topics of direct push sensors, passive groundwater samplers, and soil gas sampling.

    • Direct Push Technologies
    • Passive Diffusion Samplers
    • Using Tree Cores to Understand the Subsurface
  • Statistical Analysis of Contaminant Data

    Includes EPA and other agency guidance and information about statistical sampling designs and the statistical analysis of data.

  • Chemical Analysis of Contaminants and Analytical QC


  • A Rationale for the Assessment of Errors in the Sampling of Soils - USEPA EPA/600/4-90/013, This document provides a foundation for answering two basic questions: How many, and what type, of samples are required to assess the quality of data in a field sampling effort (quality assessment samples)? How can the information from the quality assessment samples be used to identify and control sources of error and uncertainties in the measurement process?
    PDFA Rationale for the Assessment of Errors in the Sampling of Soils (499 KB)
  • EPA Observational Economy Series, Volume 1 - USEPA, These two documents describe novel ways to use classical statistics to determine an average contaminant concentration: compositing and ranked sets.
    PDFEPA Observational Economy Series, Volume 1: Composite Sampling (914 KB)
  • EPA Observational Economy Series, Volume 2 - USEPA, These two documents describe novel ways to use classical statistics to determine an average contaminant concentration: compositing and ranked sets.
    PDFEPA Observational Economy Series, Volume 2: Ranked Set Sampling (973 KB)
  • Evaluating the Attainment of Cleanup Standards for Soils, Solid Media, and Groundwater: Overview + Volumes 1, 2, and 3. - USEPA, If appropriate to the CSM, statistical tests may aid decisions that the cleanup of a contaminated site complete. These 4 documents cover the ways classical statistics may be used.
    PDFAn Overview of Methods for Evaluating the Attainment of Cleanup Standards for Soils, Solid Media, and Groundwater, EPA Volumes 1, 2, and 3 (PDF) (1.1 MB)
    PDFVolume 1: Soils (PDF) (3.9 MB)
    PDFVolume 2: Groundwater (PDF) (6.5 MB)
    PDFVolume 3: Reference-based Soils (PDF) (3.6 MB)
  • Making Data Meaningful: A Guide to Writing Stories About Numbers - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), This guide was prepared within the framework of the UNECE Work Session on Statistical Dissemination and Communication. It is intended as a practical tool to help managers, statisticians and media relations officers use text, tables, graphics and other information to bring statistics to life using effective writing techniques. It contains suggestions, guidelines and examples but not golden rules. This publication recognizes that there are many practical and cultural differences among statistical offices, and that approaches vary from country to country.
    PDFMaking Data Meaningful: A Guide to Writing Stories About Numbers (502 KB)
  • Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities - Unified Guidance - USEPA, This guidance contains a compilation of statistical methods recommended for groundwater monitoring at RCRA and other facilities. It provides comprehensive all strategies for designing the statistical aspects of facility detection, compliance, or corrective action monitoring systems.
    LinkStatistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities - Unified Guidance (7.3 MB)

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